Rachad Baroudi PhD Приложения

KPI Mega Library 1.2
Rachad Baroudi PhD
KPI Mega Library Phone App provides you a powerful unlimited accessto 36,000 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This businessapplication is divided into three parts: • 11,000 Organization KPIs(32 Industries) • 12,000 Government KPIs (32 Sectors) • 13,000International KPIs (24 Topics) BENEFITS: • Unlimited access to36,000 KPIs • Fully downloadable KPI library • No membership,update, hidden fees • No extra purchases are required • Off-linebrowsing capability (no Wifi) • Easy to navigate menu system •Powerful, instant, and smart search • Access to latest App updateinstantly • Ability to save your favorites KPIs • Share Appdescription with friends PURPOSE: The purpose of this APP is togive you a quick and effective access to the most appropriatemeasure. The 36,000 KPIs or metrics are categorized in a logicaland alphabetical order. You can easily find (in few seconds) thebest key performance indicator for measuring any function in anyindustry or sector. Many organizations are spending a lot of fundson building their strategic planning and performance managementcapabilities. One of the current challenges is the difficulty toknow what measure or metric is used in similar situation. Forexample, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology which was developedby Robert Kaplan and David Norton is a great measurement tool or adashboard that needs good performance measures to be effective.USERS: This mega KPI list is a valuable resource for consultants,executives, directors, and managers. This includes strategy,performance, planning, and statistics professionals in public andprivate organizations. CONTENTS: This APP is based on our “KPI MegaLibrary” book first published in 2010. This powerful APP objectiveis to acquaint you with available metrics measuring performance inthe following 32 industries, 32 government sectors, and 24international topics: A) ORGANIZATION (32 INDUSTRIES) Agriculture |Banking & Investment | Communication & PR | Compliance |Construction | Consulting | Services | Customer Service | Education| Energy | Engineering | Financial | Health & Safety |Healthcare | Hospitality | Human Resources | Information Technology| Insurance | Leisure & Recreation | Livestock & Dairy |Management | Manufacturing | Media & Advertising | Mining &Metals | Pharmaceuticals | Procurement | Project Management | RealEstate | Research & Development | Sales & Marketing |Telecommunication | Textile Production | Transportation B)GOVERNMENT (32 SECTORS) Agriculture & Food | Civil Defense& Disaster | Civil Rights | Culture & Heritage | EconomicDevelopment | Education | Energy | Environment | Governance |Government Workforce | Healthcare | Human Services | IndustryDevelopment | Information Technology | Justice | Labor | Military& Defense | Municipalities | Pension Management | Police &Security | Population | Prison Management | Public Finance |Regional Development | Social Development | Sports | Stock Exchange| Telecommunication | Tourism | Transportation | Urban Planning |Water & Electricity C) INTERNATIONAL (24 TOPICS) Agriculture& Food | Children | Coastal Ecosystems | Debt | Development& Aid | Economy | Education | Energy | Environment | Finance |Health | HIV/AIDS Epidemic | Industry & Services | IntellectualProperty | Labor | Pensions | Population & Demography | Poverty| Public & Market Regulation | Research & Development |Social & Welfare | Telecommunication | Trade & Balance ofPayment | Transportation TRY IT TODAY…. This comprehensive KPIlibrary could be under your fingertips at an introductory lowprice. Inject this mega KPI database and its 36,000 metrics in yoursmart phone today…
KPI Mega Library Arabic 5.0.0
Rachad Baroudi PhD
يوفر لك تطبيق مكتبة المؤشرات الضخمة وصولاً سريعًا غير محدودإلى36000 مؤشر أداء رئيسي (KPIs). يحتوي تطبيق الأعمال هذا علىثلاثةأجزاء: • 11000 مؤشر أداء مؤسسي (32 صناعة) • 12000 مؤشر أداءحكومي(32 قطاعًا) • 13000 مؤشر أداء دولي (24 موضوعًا) أكبر مكتبةلمؤشراتالأداء في متناول يدك الأن. فيما يلي بعض الفوائد: • وصول غيرمحدودإلى 36000 مؤشر أداء • أكبر مكتبة مؤشرات أداء قابلة للتنزيلبالكامل• لا توجد رسوم عضوية أو أية رسوم مخفية • لا توجد مشترياتإضافيةمطلوبة • إمكانية التصفح بدون الإنترنت (بدون شبكة Wi-Fi) •سهولةالتنقل عبر قائمة المؤشرات • بحث فعال وفوري وذكي • الوصول إلىأحدثتحديثات التطبيق على الفور • القدرة على حفظ مؤشرات الأداءالمفضلةلديك يرجى زيارة: www.kpimegalibrary.com ملاحظة: إذا أعجبك مانقومبه، فالرجاء ترك تعليق/اعجاب أو المشاركة مع الأصدقاء. شكرا لك